480-675-7919 Info@Markigy.com
Markigy the science of marketing strategy banner, listing podcast platforms apple, spotify, amazon and google

What is “Markigy”?

We believe to become an extraordinary marketer, you can’t use ordinary methods or ordinary ways.

We are action-oriented, “growth” marketers, open to experimenting and learning.

We are risk takers that believe in long-term wins for the customer equals long-term wins for our business too.





The combination of where science, creativity, and strategy meet, or as we also like to call it: β€œMarkigy”.


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Podcast Episode #1

by Markigy | Leanne Dow-Weimer ft. Rita Richa


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Why do business outcomes require a better marketing strategy?


Buyers viewed 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep


Nearly 80% of companies not meeting their revenue goals attract 10,000 monthly website visitors or less


Companies that weren't exceeding revenue goals did not know their visitor, lead, MQL, or sales opportunities